“2024 Future Science Prize” series of events
"Science Ignites Youth - Hello Scientists "
Lecture I - Professor Yuk Ming LO
July 30, 2024
Hong Kong Space Museum
Hong Kong Academy of Sciences and the Future Science Prize Foundation co-organized the "Science Ignites Youth - Hello Scientists" Lectures of the "2024 Future Science Prize Youth Science Popularization Series". The first guest speaker was Professor Yuk Ming LO, 2016 Future Science Prize - Life Science Prize laureate. The lecture was titled "The Rewards And Challenges Of Developing Non-invasive DNA Diagnostics" and attracted nearly 200 students and parents. Professor LO shared his research and development of noninvasive prenatal diagnosis, its application in early cancer screening and research on Alzheimer's disease, and his life plan as a scientist. The supporting organizations for this series of event are the Hong Kong Science Museum, Hong Kong Space Museum, Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council, Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council, and Association of Principals of Government Secondary Schools.
Event Highlights